How to Set eSignature Agency Settings



1. Go to

Make sure you are the admin in Bridge. Head over to eSign

2. Click on Agency Settings

Click on Agency Settings

3. Click on Add New Office Template

Click on  Add New Office Template

4. Enter the name of the Template

This can be use for different locations you may have

Enter the name of the Template

5. Enter a description for the template

Enter a description for the template

6. Click on Save

Click on Save

7. Click on Got It!

Click on Got It!

8. Click default if you want this to be used by your agents

If you select this option, the agent will not be able to change it and will go out as default when sending to customers.

Click default if you want this to be used by your agents

9. Use user contact information

If this is enabled, the agent will send out the eSign with their DID number or email.

Use user contact information

10. Example of Toggling on "Make it Default"

Example of Toggling on "Make it Default"

11. Example of toggling on "Use user Contact Information"

Example of toggling on "Use user Contact Information"

12. Click on Agency Settings

Click on Agency Settings

13. Enter Agency Name

Enter Agency Name

14. Enter Agency Website

Enter Agency Website

15. Enter agency phone number

Enter agency phone number

16. Enter agency email address

Enter agency email address

17. Enter the redirect URL you would like customers to see once they have signed the eSign document.

For example: this could be your website or a review website for the agency (google review)

Enter the redirect URL you would like customers to see once they have signed the eSign document.

18. Click upload image

Select your agency logo

Click upload image

19. Click on Agency Message Templates

Click on Agency Message Templates

20. Click on Add New Template

Click on  Add New Template

21. Enter a subject for your message template

Enter a subject for your message template

22. Make it default

If you toggle this on, agents will use the default message without the ability to change it.

Make it default

23. Type message

Type message

24. Click Save New Template

Click Save New Template

25. Click on Agency Reminder Templates

Click on Agency Reminder Templates

26. Click on Add New Reminder

Click on  Add New Reminder

27. Type a subject for your reminder

Type a subject for your reminder

28. Select a time frame for a delayed message

Select a time frame for a delayed message

29. Select to send minute(s), hour(s), or day(s)

Select to send minute(s), hour(s), or day(s)

30. Select Repeat

This message will go out until the customer signs

Select Repeat

31. Make it default

If this is selected then every sSign that goes out will have a reminder on it

Make it default

32. Click in message

Click in message

33. Type your message

Type your message

34. Click on Save New Reminder

Click on  Save New Reminder

35. Click on Got It!

Click on Got It!

36. Click on Close

Click on  Close